September 23, 2021
The Heart Foundation
As many of you know, for every pair of lashes purchased $1 is donated to a selected campaign. After successfully donating $463 to the Beyond Blue Foundation, we decided that we wanted to donate to the Heart Foundation next.
Heart disease is one of Australia’s biggest killers and it is a condition that many should be made aware of. The Heart Foundation has been around for over 60 years finding ways to improve the prevention, detection and support for all Australians.
Cardiovascular disease causes one in four deaths and kills 118 people per day or even 1 person every 12 minutes. Almost everyone knows or has been put in a position where Heart Diseases have taken their loved ones. A heartache lasts a lifetime, that is why we strongly believed that being able to donate to a life changing cause like this was the perfect choice.
Whilst raising awareness for the Heart Foundation, we were able to donate $330 together! Lumen Babes, we hope we have demonstrated that as little as $1 can help change someone's life. We want to encourage you all to shop with a purpose and take a minute to realise the impact you are making whilst shopping with us.

We highly believe it is important to continue to show our support through various different foundations with our beloved customers. Not every day are we able to give back to the community, so why not start now?
From the effort that we have made together so far, we are extremely excited to see how much more of a bigger difference we continue to make in the future! Lumen Babes, let's take action together and give back to those who need it the most!
Lumen Eyes Beauty ♡
Lumen Eyes Beauty ♡